Asset Publisher
Ann Gallenson
Faculty | Researcher | Team Facilitator
Strategic Planning for Execution: Assessment and Risk (SPEAR) Workshop, Program Manager

Ann is a Program Manager, Lecturer, Workshop Facilitator, and Researcher for the Center for Executive Education (CEE) at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. Ann’s NPS teaching and research directions focus on strategic organizational design and development. For CEE she facilitates and codesigns strategy, leadership, and design workshops for senior leaders and their executive teams.

Ann’s NPS research work begins with emerging environmental, process, or technological trends to help identify areas to create new capabilities and organizational change to maintain relevancy and prosper. In this capacity she has worked with policy and battery experts at the OUSD Industrial Policy to craft an advanced battery policy as a complex adaptive system to better navigate global supply chains and shifting economic landscapes. Other research includes Navy Acquisition research exposing the risks imposed by mounting computer technical debt in warfighting systems, and using an oral history to document how the USMC integrates its reservists into warfighting components.

Formally trained in genetics, mathematics, and design, Ann’s ability to create synergies between technical and business trends provides the basis for the consulting corporation she has led for twenty-eight years. In this capacity she helped create immersive learning software for college and graduate level courses. Her work expanded into organizational develop and change through market shifts accelerated by rapid computer software innovations and economic globalization.