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Paul Stames
Faculty | Facilitator | Executive Coach
Commander + Strategically Aligned Leadership Team (C+SALT) Program Manager
Customized Strategic Planning Workshop Program Manager

He has been an executive with two Fortune 500 companies and a leader of executive education at three highly respected US business schools, serving as:

  • Assistant Dean, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley
  • Assistant Dean, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
  • Director, Executive MBA, Daniels College of Business, University of Denver

He has taught executive seminars for the University of Notre Dame, UC Berkeley, and UC San Diego. He has worked with the NPS Center for Executive Education since 2004 when he became the academic program director for the Navy’s Executive Business Course and later the Navy Corporate Business Course.

Thousands of executives have participated in highly-rated educational programs and coaching developed or delivered by Paul for executives from companies such as Bain & Company, Cisco Systems, Sybase, Medtronic, Experian, Energizer, Microsoft, Synopsis, British Telecom, CA Dept. of Corporations, Kodak, CA Judicial Council, Boehringer Ingelheim, Apple, Saudi Aramco, Hewlett Packard, Nestle, IFC World Bank, BancoMex, CMG IT Services, TAG Aviation, Intel, and numerous US Navy Commands within NAVSEA, NAVAIR, NAVFAC, NAVSUP, METOC, ONI, OJAG, NAVSAFECENT, NAVOBSY & BUMED.

Dr. Stames is a dynamic speaker and educator on topics related to Strategy and Leadership, such as effective leadership performance, leading change, strategic thinking, strategy and innovation, implementing strategy, global leadership, network leadership, team leadership, values-driven leadership, and credo-centered leadership.

He has led and taught in executive programs in Asia, North and South America, Europe and Africa. He has pioneered innovative, experiential executive education such as a 3-day leadership and team-building sailing program that combines the expertise of business school faculty and crew members from an Americas Cup challenger. This program has became the flagship experience for the Executive MBA at the Daniels College of Business.

As President and Founder of The Leadership Council, Dr. Stames created a national network to provide personal and professional development resources to more than 1,000 CEOs and top executives across the United States. His experience includes working with a variety of leaders including entrepreneurs, government executives, healthcare administrators, high-tech engineers, military leaders, clergy, university leaders, and nonprofit volunteers.

Paul has a BA degree from Duke University, an MA degree from Yale University, a diploma from the Advanced Management Program at Washington University, and his Doctorate from the San Francisco Theological Seminary at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley.